"Clivia 6"
Clivia 6 (2004) Published by the Clivia Society (South Africa). Soft cover, 80 pp. Format 8 1/4 by 5 3/4 inches.
- Perceptions - Keith Hammett
- The Horticulutural Significance of Clivia miniata - Dirk Swanevelder
- Design your own Clivia - John van der Linde
- More on mirabilis - John van der Linde
- Photographic Competition
- Location, Location, Location - John Charpentier
- Maternal Inheritance: Some Observations About Veriegated Clivia - Kenneth R Smith
- Breeding Broad Leaf Clivia - Johan Spies
- Miniata: In Favour of Seed Grown Strains - Michael Jeans
- Polyploidy in Clivia: A Laymans Guide - Aart van Voorst
- 2003 Show Selection
- Clivia: Food and Drink - Ian Coates
- Observations on Akebono - Conie and James Abel
- Multitepal Breeding - Shigetaka Sasaki
- Diagnosing Plant Disease: What the grower needs to know - Wijnand J. Swart
- A Call for a Peach Standard - James Comstock
- Single Flowers
- In Search of a Light of Buddha - Hein Grebe